Establish an Overlook for the Holistic User Experience Management
  • Dan Wang Dan Wang Senior User Experience Designer

    As a senior user experience designer at 58UXD, Dan Wang is working on the implementation of HUEM in the design work to continuously advance the user experience enhancement and product innovation.

  • Song Jie

    Song Jie Senior Interaction Designer

Establish an Overlook for the Holistic User Experience Management

7752Thumbs Up
Session E11
Meeting room 301B
Time 07/20 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

Holistic User Experience Management (HUEM) is a set of systematic methodology that 58UXD has been constantly working on to in the design work which benefits a lot for the products.

We will share with you the key methodology, basic framework, operation process and extended application of HUEM from an overall perspective in this workshop. Meanwhile, you can also experience the design loop of the global-oriented product designing with us together: Overlook – Define – Ideate – Test – Overlook.

We hope that this workshop can help the designers establish an overlook of products by separating themselves from the segmented problems while facing the complicated user experience design work. Hence, it can help the designers test user experience systematically, identify key issues & opportunities accurately, reach a team agreement effectively, allocate resources reasonably and do targeted product iteration and innovation.

Structure and Agenda

1. Introduction of key methodology and framework of HUEM
2. Introduction of basic process and approaches of design practice
3. Group design practice by theme
4. Group presentation of design ideas and prototype
5. Summary of key value and extended application of HUEM

Target Audience

1. Product Manager
2. User Experience Designer
3. User Research Engineer

Participants Benefit

1. Shift from the segmented perspective to holistic view and cultivate the awareness of HUEM
2. Learn about the basic methodology and practical process of HUEM
3. Identify the key issues and opportunities accurately and do targeted product iteration and innovation in real design work

video introduction
Work Case
  • 王丹 - 转转APP体验卡片(卖家版)
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  • 王丹 - 转转APP体验地图(买家版)
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