Design Thinking – How to Design a Product for Multi-stakeholder
  • Luo An Luo An TEAMS Design Shanghai President

  • Wang Ying

    Wang Ying TEAMS Design Shanghai Interactive and User Experience Manager

Design Thinking – How to Design a Product for Multi-stakeholder

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Session D7
Meeting room 407
Time 07/19 14:30-17:30
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

When designing a product, we should not only focus on the user but also consider other stakeholders along the product lifecycle, like purchaser and influencer. To set a clear design direction of product, it’s critical to understand the needs and values for these stakeholders, and the complex relationships among them.

In the workshop, we will share our “TEAMS UXD Tool Box”- a tool we use in the design projects. With the UXD Tool Box, we first choose the appropriate methodologies for discovery, e.g. research and analyzing, and use the results to define the business model, core product features, service flow, and hardware and software related design concepts. Throughout the process, it aims to create a product that can meet all stakeholders’ needs.

There are three phases of the UXD Tool Box:
1. Immersion-
(1) Discover everything around the product - brand, market, competitors, technology, as well as the users, choosers/purchasers, and influencers.
(2) Create the persona, stakeholder journey map, the entire value chain and touchpoints.
(3) Define the design opportunities (Hardware, Software, Service, etc.) from more holistic perspectives
2. Create-
(1) Explore the opportunities that were discovered in the previous phase and ideate with suitable design concepts/solutions
(2) Iterative concept development: Evaluate concepts to narrow down the design direction and refine.
3. Realize-
(1) Finalize the product. Detail design, and concept finalization.
(2) Align with the producing development to assure that the design intent is maintained and finalized .
(In this workshop, we will engage all the participants in a fictive project, focusing on phase 1 and 2)

We will also talk about the design case – Intel Educational Tablet, to explain how we use the UXD Tool Box to rank the importance of different stakeholders and define the corresponding strategies, and set the design direction based on their needs and values.
In the design exercise, the participants will use these methodologies to conduct stakeholder analysis and do the ideation followed by the evaluation.

Through the workshop, the participants will know how to balance/weight the needs of different stakeholders and set the most appropriate design direction in a complex product development.

Structure and Agenda

1、Introduction - How to Design a Product for Multi-stakeholder
2、TEAMS UXD Tool Box
3、Case study - Intel educational box
4、Exercise - Multi-stakeholder analysis, persona, stakeholder journey map
5、Exercise - Ideation
6、Exercise - Evaluation

Target Audience

1、Product Manager
3、Product decision maker
4、Design students

Participants Benefit

1、Know the multi-stakeholder analysis methodologies
2、Know how to use the Tool Box in design project
3、Know how to set the design direction for multi-stakeholders

video introduction
Work Case
  • Bosch - Journey map
  • Intel educational tablet - multi-stakeholder analysis
  • UXD Tool Box
  • UXD Tool Box - Design process1
  • UXD Tool Box - Design process2
Guess You Like
  • Bosch - Journey map 15
  • Intel educational tablet - multi-stakeholder analysis 25
  • UXD Tool Box 35
  • UXD Tool Box - Design process1 45
  • UXD Tool Box - Design process2 55
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