Persuasive Behavior Design——Design Principles for Increasing Conversion Rate
  • XiaJun Huang XiaJun Huang NetEase Design Director

    Master of interactive design, visual design manager of NetEase UEDC, mainly responsible for visual design management of NetEase Yidun, Snail Reading, Cloud Reading, Comics, Lofter and others. I'd like to explore advanced product design methods and principles at work, and apply them to design practice.


Persuasive Behavior Design——Design Principles for Increasing Conversion Rate

4709Thumbs Up
Session B2
Meeting room 巴黎
Time 11/17 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

Persuasive design means, based on psychological and social theories, to intentionally design interaction between users and services and positively influence or change users' behavior and decision.
Introduction of major topics of workshop:
1. Firstly, as the important theory background, several cases will be used to introduce what is the persuasive behavior design.
2.Secondly, Fogg's Behavior Model and its key elements will be presented, including intention, ability and trigger and their types. Then, the complicated relationship between thiple elements will be completely explained integrating with various cases. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of user experience life cycle (e.g. ,user activation), it will be discussed how triggers increase users' intention and meanwhile decrease difficulties.
3. Thirdly, reward mechanism will be introduced based on cases. It mainly includes reward types, psychological rules and mechanisms how reward plays an important role through material reward, social reward and self reward and randomized
reward design.
4. Finally, through some practice, audience will be guided to understand and master relevant knowledge.

Structure and Agenda

1、 1. Firstly, as the important theory background, use cases to illustrate what is persuasive behavior design.
2、2.Secondly, Fogg's Behavior Model and its key elements will be presented, including intention, ability and trigger and their types.
3、3.Practice and analysis
4、4. Thirdly, reward mechanism will be introduced based on cases.
5、5.Practice and analysis

Target Audience

1、Product designer
2、Interaction designer
3、Visual designer

Participants Benefit

1、It helps to get a closer look at the most popular product design principles from sillicon valley technology companies.
2、It helps inspire existing work and improve conversion and other activities.
3、It is a great chance to make friends who have the similar tastes and ambition in design area.

Work Case
  • FBM Model
  • Online activity case
  • FBM Model elements
  • Introduction of FBM Model
Guess You Like
  • 工作坊 Shi FangfangThoughtWorks,Senior Consoler of UX Design
  • 工作坊 Wang ChaoSogou,Senior Design Manager
  • 工作坊 Liu,Visual Design Manager
  • 工作坊 Li LiSogou Search,Senior Design Manager
  • FBM Model 14
  • Online activity case 24
  • FBM Model elements 34
  • Introduction of FBM Model 44
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