Make Design Predictable - Build a Universal Perception System
  • Wang Tao Wang Tao DiDI Design Expert

    More than 10 years of experience design work experience and experience, the current head of Didi International Finance Mexico design team, serving and incubating a number of industry leaders and projects, such as ink weather, AMC, Orange Heart Preference, Didi international driver and finance. I am good at abstracting the characteristics of things, condensing the essence of things, interpreting experiences from a global perspective by connecting multiple influencing factors, and formulating pragmatic experience design strategies that meet the goals.

    Design concept: Humanity comes from the tacit consensus of interweaving group rules and individual rules. The greatest value of design is to rely on human nature to do a good job of business and user communicator.

Make Design Predictable - Build a Universal Perception System

2452Thumbs Up
Session C4
Meeting room 302B
Time 08/17 14:30-17:30
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

In many aspects of product operation, "perception" is a keyword that is often mentioned. It not only plays an important role in the design of product features, but also plays a vital role in the process of marketing growth and brand communication. We often emphasize the need to deliver a specific perception to the user, or to reinforce a certain perception, but too often this strategy seems to be a scattershot application of specific project needs.

However, if we can start from a more systematic perspective, the "perceptual system" as a way to open multiple locks, then it will have greater practicality and impact. By establishing a complete perception system, we can analyze the product perspective from the perspective of pragmatic landing, results, and influence the whole business chain, thus bringing more opportunities and advantages to the product operation.

In this course, I will learn from what is perception? Why the emphasis on perception? And how do we build a complete perception system for our products? How to exert the effectiveness of perception system? Several aspects are described in detail to help everyone grasp, think and discuss.

The content outline is as follows:
1. What is perception?
1.1 What is the difference between perceptual cognition and rational cognition? To understand its essential differences and basic application scenarios from the dimensions of philosophy, psychology and case practice
1.2. How do we study and build a perception system?

2. What is the value of building a perception system for designers dealing with complex tasks?
2.1. Design and designer eco-positioning, pains and advantages
2.2. Explain the needs and goals of users through visual guidance, product services and experience
2.3. Studies on cognitive psychology and structured design under the dimension of visual perception from the perspectives of disambiguation, determining value and long-term memory, generating imaginary links, etc., can help us fully and accurately meet user expectations and improve product power and user experience.

3. What is the goal of using the perceptual system?
3.1. Perceive the service object of the system and its cooperation status
3.2. Ask the audience to think through real cases to understand and think about the pain points in the process of project promotion
Case overview: Taking the revision of the home page of the Mexican credit card as an example, this paper introduces how the designer uses the perception system to help the upstream clarify the goal and reach the path of the project when the upstream is not clear about the goal and reach the path
3.3. Influence and help the operation, product, design, technology and market to find the problems of product experience and the goals expected to be achieved by using the perception system

4. The operation and disassembly logic of the perceptual system
4.1. Standard formula of perception system: process/target -> Perception type -> perception intensity -> Standard link -> atom ♾️
4.2. Principles for defining perception types
4.3 Definition, classification and disassembly of key factors of perceived intensity
4.4. Method of standard link formation
4.5. Going back to the case, what did we do specifically for the case 3.2 and what goals did we achieve

5. Practical methods of building perception system and key actions in the process of building and applying perception system: abundant ammunition and unified pace
5.1. Abundant ammunition
5.2. Uniform pace. Ensure that most requirements are communicated and implemented with the same perspective and understanding
5.3. Case introduction for 5: How does the establishment of the Mexican cash loan brand and the maintenance of the cooperation mechanism meet the huge and high-frequency market promotion needs in the period of rapid business development

6. Question presupposition to further understand the value of the perceptual system
6.1. Characteristics and limitations of traditional design specifications and component libraries
6.2. From the perspective of organization, the transmission value of design thinking based on efficiency and quality is greater than the rationality of the correct usage of the construction specification
6.3. The designer's sense of crisis never comes from the jump in tool efficiency and organizational efficiency, but from the low value cycle of pure demand support

7. Summary: Make design predictable
7.1. General framework description of key values, operations, elements and methods of the perception system

Structure and Agenda

1、Workshop icebreaker: Introduction by the presenter
2、Workshop introduction: Content Summary & Theme background introduction
3、Workshop Content: What is Perception? Why the emphasis on perception and how can we build a complete perception system for our products
4、Practice interaction: group propositions for project design, simulation scheme design
5、Interactive session: Group sharing of results
6、Q&A session
7、Summary review

Target Audience

1、Medium/Senior Interaction Designer, U Designer, Visual Designer, Product Designer
2、Early/mid-level product Manager and operations Manager
3、Practitioners interested in design thinking and methods

Participants Benefit

1、What is perception? What is reasoning
2、Why the emphasis on perception
3、What types of products are suitable for operational awareness systems
4、How to build a perception system that suits you
5、Understand the universality and predictability of design

Work Case
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