Value & Application of User Research & Test in User Experience Design
  • Guo Yang Guo Yang Porsche Digital China User Experience Lead

    Guo Yang has over 10 years of experience in Automotive industry, with a multidisplinary backgroud between engineering and design. He was once the User Experience Cockpit China team manager at Stellantis China, and is now working at Porsche Digital China, responsible for user experience design and innovation of in-car & out-of-car digital product.
    He has a complete understanding of user-centered-design process, and has lead serveral end-to-end design projects with the process, so that has a deep understanding about the value of design in product development.

    “User centered, dream oriented”

Value & Application of User Research & Test in User Experience Design

3573Thumbs Up
Session B2
Meeting room Undetermined
Time 12/29 14:00-17:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction User Research
keynote content
Content Introduction

Along with the continuous development of economic and culture, the consumer’s expectation to a product is no more limited to pure functionality, but the need of global excellence of the experience of using it. With this context, user experience design has demonstrated the significant contribution to the product design & development. User research & test, as important toolkits of user experience design, ensure the product design is meeting with customers’ expectation, by being deployed at different stages of design.

Through this workshop, participants will understand the purpose of user research & test, the values, and the roles they play in user experience design. With related case sharing, they could understand how to apply user research & test in a complex product design process, and improve the complete understanding of design methodology.

The detail content in workshop are:
1. Purpose of user related research
1.1 development history of user experience theory
1.2 overview of design process
1.3 starting point and role of user research

2. Typical research methods
2.1 distinction between quantitative and qualitative research
2.2 distinction between "research" and "test"
2.3 user interviews and focus groups
2.4 questionnaire survey
2.5 availability test
2.6 guerrilla test / rapid availability test
2.7 other research methods

3. Value of user research & test in design process
3.1 overview of vehicle mounted and peripheral product design theory
3.2 user research case: Interview with users of Internet of vehicles Service Innovation
3.3 user study case: in car navigation and entertainment system user test

Structure and Agenda

1、Introduction of workshop
2、Theory introduction: purpose and method of user research
3、Case study: to introduce relative cases of user research
4、Collaborative practice: user research plan drafting by group

Target Audience

1、User Researcher / Experience Designer / Interaction Designer / Service Designer
2、Product Manager / Product Designer
3、Design Manager / Design Lead
4、Automotive practitioner

Participants Benefit

1、Improve the complete understanding of design methodology
2、Understand the purpose & value of user research in user experience design process
3、Acknowledge typical method & application of user research & test

video introduction
Work Case
  • Case of User Research: Connected Service Innovation User Interview
  • Case of User Test: In-vehicle Infotainment User Test
  • Typical Method & Application of User Research & Test
  • Value of User Research & Test in Human-centered-design
Guess You Like
  • Case of User Research: Connected Service Innovation User Interview 14
  • Case of User Test: In-vehicle Infotainment User Test 24
  • Typical Method & Application of User Research & Test 34
  • Value of User Research & Test in Human-centered-design 44
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