Words and sounds for a thoughtful home
  • Steven Clark Steven Clark Google Nest Labs Lead Audio and Copy Designers

    Steven is the Manager of Audio and Copy UX Design Team & Lead Audio UX Designer for Nest Labs at Google. Audio designer & product manager for over 20 years
    Jen is the Lead UX copywriter for Nest Labs.

  • Jeff Cardoni

    Jeff Cardoni Google Nest Labs UX Writer

Words and sounds for a thoughtful home

5656Thumbs Up
Session G11
Meeting room 301A
Time 07/21 14:30-17:30
Type Workshop
Language English
Direction Interaction Design
keynote content
Content Introduction

In just a few years, Nest has grown from a single thermostat company to a leading smart home brand. That brand, simple, human, and delightful, is at the core of all of Nest design. In these workshops, we’ll show how sound design, voice, and writing come together to create products that you want to live with. From simple greetings to helpful, easily understood messaging, we will talk about the process and details of designing text and speech interactions for the home. Participants will design their own prototypes for connected home devices that speak.

In the workshop on the afternoon, we will begin with an overview of sound design and audio production, discussing how user interface sounds and voices are created for IoT devices and mobile apps. Participants will then form several small teams to create prototype sketches of a virtual product with voice UI, and an accompanying mobile app, incorporating some of the writing from the previous workshop. Participants can use pencils and paper, or any of the digital tools they are familiar with on a laptop (Invision, Sketch, OmniGraffle, Illustrator, etc.) Each group will share their designs for feedback from the teams and presenters.

Structure and Agenda

1. Intro to Sound Design: An overview of sound design techniques and tools, how it interacts with UX design. (about 40 mins)
2. Practice: Small groups sketch out prototype designs for an imaginary home device and accompanying mobile app that incorporates writing, voice, and UX design. (about 1 hour)
3. Review (about 40 mins)
4. Q&A / roundtable discussion: Participants present their thoughts/skills of voice interaction. (about 40 mins)

Target Audience

1. UX Designer
2. UX Copy Writer
3. Audio Designer

Participants Benefit

1. Understand how to write for products in the home
2. Learn how to design for products that speak
3. Get feedback from speakers and other participants

Work Case
  • Choosing the right tools and processes for audio.
  • Designing UI sounds for an ecosystem of products.
  • Creating a UX flow for a connected home device that speaks.
  • The Nest family of products.
Guess You Like
  • Choosing the right tools and processes for audio. 14
  • Designing UI sounds for an ecosystem of products. 24
  • Creating a UX flow for a connected home device that speaks. 34
  • The Nest family of products. 44
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